Transform Your Space with new Wall Art: The "Baroque of the Dead" Zombie Collection

Art and horror, two seemingly disparate worlds, collide in our new Zombie Poster 'Baroque of the Dead' collection from Land of the Zed.

This unique collection features captivating pieces of zombies in 18th-century military attire, captured in the dramatic styles of Caravaggio and Rembrandt.

The result is a haunting tableau that is both spine-chilling and mesmerizing, perfect for adding a touch of the macabre to your décor.

The Choice of 18th Century Military Uniforms

The decision to dress the zombies in 18th-century military uniforms was a deliberate one, designed to add an extra layer of intrigue and drama to the collection.

The 18th century was a time of significant military conflict, and the uniforms of this era were designed with a sense of grandeur and formality. The stark contrast between the dignified military attire and the macabre nature of the zombies creates a striking visual dichotomy that adds to the overall impact of the pieces.

The military uniforms also serve to enhance the historical aspect of the collection. They serve as a reminder that these zombies have been around for hundreds of years, adding a sense of depth and history to the pieces.

What Was The Baroque Period?

The Baroque period, spanning from the late 16th century to the mid-18th century, was a time of great artistic development.

Characterized by grandeur, drama, and exuberance, artists during this period sought to evoke emotional states by appealing to the senses, often in dramatic ways. The Baroque style is noted for its intricate details, deep color, contrast, and play of light.

This was a perfect choice for highlighting the idea of zombies sitting down for a painted portrait during this period. Imagine trying to paint one while all it can think of is brains!

Who is Caravaggio and Why His Influence?

Caravaggio, a prominent Italian painter from the Baroque period, is known for his dramatic use of lighting and his realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional.

His painting style was revolutionary for its time, and he is often credited with the development of the Baroque painting style. Caravaggio's oil paintings are characterized by a dramatic use of light and dark (chiaroscuro), with the light often seeming to come from within the painting itself.

This technique not only gave his paintings a sense of depth and three-dimensionality, but also added to the drama and emotion of his scenes.

We love some of the realistic and dramatic scenes depicted by Caravaggio and thought it blended well with the idea of a highly detailed, realistic portrait of a zombie.

Rembrandt Lighting

Rembrandt lighting, named after the Dutch painter Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, is a technique used in portrait photography that mimics the lighting techniques seen in Rembrandt's paintings.

It is characterized by an illuminated triangle under the eye of the subject on the less illuminated side of the face. It gives depth and dimension to the subject's face and adds a sense of drama.

You can see this lighting style in portrait photography today, but knowing how dramatic and focused this light could be, we used it to specifically draw your eye to the zombie's expressions. 

We wanted some of the zombie's to appear relaxed, while others raging from pure mania in the throws of anger during the oil painting portraits.

The Artistic Process for this Collection

One of the unique aspects of this collection is the idea that these zombies were coerced to sit down long enough for an oil painter to paint them during the Baroque period.

We think this concept adds a humorous and whimsical element to the collection, while also highlighting the skill and patience of the artists of the time.

The Unique Combination

The 'Baroque of the Dead' collection is a unique blend of horror, history, and art. By combining elements of the Baroque period, the dramatic lighting techniques of Caravaggio and Rembrandt, the historical significance of 18th-century military uniforms, and the macabre charm of zombies, Land of the Zed has created a collection that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Spotlight on Selected Posters

One of the standout pieces in the collection is the an oil painting of a zombie captain wearing an iron helmet. The dramatic lighting and intricate details of the hat, combined with the haunting gaze of the zombie, create a captivating image that is both eerie and beautiful.

Another notable piece in the collection is the artwork of a manic zombie about to launch at the viewer. The contrast between the formal attire and the macabre subject matter creates a striking image that is sure to draw the viewer's eye.


These unique pieces are not just for horror enthusiasts or art lovers, but for anyone who appreciates unique décor.

They make for striking wall art, adding a touch of the dramatic to any room. Imagine the intrigue they would add to a bedroom, the conversation they would spark in a living room, or the atmospheric touch they would bring to Halloween decorations.

So why wait? Experience the 'Baroque & Undead' collection for yourself. 

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